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Tuesday, 31 August 2021
“I Dropped out of High School “, Real Life Stories
I was born the youngest of five children. My sisters and brothers were much older than me. My father died when I was two years old. My mother worked very hard as a waitress, often times, at two different restaurants to support us. My brothers left for the Air Force right out of high school. My sisters helped a lot around the house and were very good to me. However, I was influenced as a small child by their peers to use alcohol and pot.
From a young age, I was very spoiled. I was used to getting anything that I wanted. My mother would give me material things to make up for being gone. There were no rules set and no one to discipline me. My behavior was out of control, and I was expelled from two private elementary schools.
When I was 11 years old, my mom was remarried and we moved to a new home. Shortly after, my step father took his own life. This tragic event left me alone again while my mother was working. I was hanging with the wrong crowd, mostly older kids, at the local pool hall. I began gambling, drinking, light drug use, smoking, and having sex. I even began selling drugs to other kids. I lost all interest in school and only desired to become a pro pool player and party with my friends. Real Life Stories Books bring Hope and Encouragement into all of Life s Storms.
I dropped out of high school after 9th grade. My interest was in staying out all night with friends. Often, I did not come home. I began to get in trouble with the law and ended up in jail on more than one occasion. I was placed on juvenile probation, and I spent time in drug rehab. I would have violent fits of anger at home and would either get kicked out or run away. I slept at friends’ houses, at hotels, and in cars. I even spent many nights sleeping outside when I had nowhere else to go. I worked off and on doing construction and other jobs to make money, but I never stayed on the same job for long.
When I was 19, I pulled into a car lot with a girl I was dating and acted like I was going to buy a car. The sales manager was a man by the name of Roland. I did not know at the time, but he was also a minister. I didn’t have two nickels to rub together, and I did not buy a car. I did, however, convince him to give me a job as a car salesman. I was eager to learn this new profession, and it seemed to be a perfect fit. Just like playing pool for money, I got a rush out of selling cars and a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment in doing it.
There was a lot of downtime at that little car lot, so besides teaching me about the car business, Pastor Roland begin to share his faith in God with me. It was the first time I was exposed to the Word of God, and Roland was the first example of a real Christian man that I had ever encountered.
Soon after I started working, I was invited to a “Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames” play at a local church. I answered the altar call for salvation. At 19 years old, standing there in that church, I felt the presence of God like never before. The Holy Spirit convicted me that I was a horrible sinner and in need of a savior. I repented and asked Jesus to come into my heart. I got saved! I was very excited and couldn’t wait to tell people what had happened! I went to church on and off for a period of time, and I began to read the Bible. I claimed to be a Christian, but like the fig tree there was no fruit. Because of my own selfish, fleshly desires I slid away from God and went back to a destructive lifestyle. 1 Corinthians 10:12 “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall”.
I was confident in my sales ability, and I applied at a large volume car dealership in Chicago. The excessive amount of money I made there contributed to cycles of partying. Girls, bars, and drugs were the nightly norm. I became heavily addicted to cocaine and other hard drugs. I would make up elaborate stories to get women to sleep with me. I told so many lies; I didn’t even know who I really was. Soon my cocaine addiction turned into a crack addiction. I hopped from car dealership to car dealership. I lost jobs, ruined relationships, and almost overdosed on drugs several times. The long hours and partying were beginning to take their toll. A door was opened in my career to be a traveling car salesman for big event sales. I had all the right connections to become very successful by the world’s standards. I had multi-millionaire investors that helped me start profitable businesses, but I always messed up, blew the money, and lost my focus.
My career led me to Arkansas where I met the love of my life. Right off the bat, she said, “You don’t have to lie to me.” She knew who I was. I did not have her fooled because she was living the same life that I was. She truly loved and accepted me for who I really was! I shared my faith in God with her, and on occasion we would attend church. We had a son together, but I soon turned to crystal meth. At some point, my girlfriend had enough. She began to seek the Lord through His Word and cry out to Him for help. She felt like the Lord told her to pack up and move us back to my hometown in Indiana.
We did move to Indiana but continued to take prescription drugs. My girlfriend had an Adderall overdose, and she called the police. The next thing I knew, the state was present and they took our kids away from us. My girlfriend’s daughter was sent to her dad in Arkansas, and my son was sent to my mother’s house for almost a year. We got married, and my wife submitted herself to God. She was set free of drugs indefinitely. I continued drug use when I was away on business. Two days before the state returned our son, I had a drug relapse. By the grace of God, my son was returned to my wife. Stories of Hope
A few months later I flew to Seattle, Washington on a business trip. While I was there, I had an overwhelming urge to get high. I found a place where I could buy crystal meth. I borrowed a business associate’s rental car then went to purchase the drug. I had a horrible feeling inside that this was all wrong and I should definitely not do it. The urge was too strong, and what happened next completely changed my life. I proceeded to get high and almost instantly felt the presence of evil all around me. I was scared and paranoid. I drove through the Canadian border thinking that it was a toll plaza. I ended up in a high speed pursuit with police chasing me from every side. I ran from them for miles. The police stopped my car with road spikes. They broke all the windows out of the car, violently pulled me out, and held me at gunpoint. It was only by the grace of God that I was not killed that night!
The Canadian police took me to the hospital. The doctors had to medicate me to slow down my heartrate. They told me I was lucky that I did not overdose. I spent the night in the hospital, and then the police escorted me to the local jail. There I was alone, in complete despair, facing several felony charges and the loss of my family. I remember feeling guilty for all the bad things I had done in my life and all I had put my wife and family through. Here I was locked up in a jail cell, in a foreign country, while my wife was at home pregnant with our daughter! I fell to my knees and cried to the Lord wholeheartedly. I repented and asked God for forgiveness. I promised Him that if He would once again get me out of this mess, I would serve Him every day for the rest of my life. This time, I meant it! A couple of days later, I went to court and found favor with the judge. They released me, and I flew home.
I became a completely new creation! 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”
This time, I meant business! When I got home I finally held to my word with God. After years of rebellion and chasing after my own selfish desires, I gave up. I surrendered my will over to God and began to wholeheartedly seek His will for my life. I changed my job, the places I hung out, and the people that I spent time with. I separated myself from anyone who was living a sinful lifestyle. I surrounded myself with people who loved God and kept themselves from sin. I prayed, read the Bible, and went to church regularly. I grew to love God and to know Him as the loving father that I had always been searching for.
My own heart’s desires began to change from the selfish pursuit of obtaining material wealth to the desire to serve God and to serve others at all costs. My entire outlook on life has changed. I have come to realize that everything I went through in life was to bring God glory and to testify of His greatness, His mercy, and His grace. I am grateful that the Lord never left me. He stood by my side through every storm in life, and I know for certain now that He always will be by my side. The Bible says that God will never leave you nor forsake you.
Years have gone by, and I am completely set free from all addictions. I no longer live in the bondage of sin. God has not only restored all that I lost in life, He has added every single blessing that you can imagine. I share my life with a beautiful, loyal, loving woman who also shares the same desire to serve God. My wife is my best friend and soulmate. We have been blessed with two happy, healthy children. Our house is full of love and definitely full of God. Everyone that has known me can see a tremendous positive transformation in my life, and I praise God for that!
My career is going better than ever, and we have been blessed financially. God always prospers everything that my hand is put to do. Since making Jesus Christ the Lord of my life, things have never been better, and I truly lack nothing! Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Monday, 30 August 2021
Christmas Time - Real Life Stories Books
It seems like it was always Christmas time when things would fall apart for me. But one Christmas . . .
It was Christmas time, the season in which you celebrate family and friends and shower each other with gifts and love. I was only three years old that year. The memories are vague, but the hospital room that my daddy died in still lingers in my mind. Why did he have to go? Why did he have to have a brain tumor? Why didn’t I ever really get to know him? I’ve often wondered what he was like. I was too little to remember, but oh how I wished I could remember him. I’m sure he was a loving daddy.
My mother was left to raise four children under the age of five, and she did the best she knew how to. It must have been overwhelming for her. I was too young to really understand how much this would affect her life and the lives of my siblings and me.
A few short years later when I was only six, she remarried and I had no idea what would follow. I didn’t know what to think about having a step dad until one day he started doing things to me that a daddy shouldn’t do. This went on for about three years. I was old enough to know that these things could not be right. This surely wasn’t what a daddy was supposed to be like, was it? And if it was, I surely didn’t need a daddy or ever want a daddy.
I hate those memories --- many of which are blocked out of my mind but have haunted me for years. I didn’t have many friends. I kept to myself probably because of the shame in my heart from him violating me. My mom found out what he was doing and quickly packed us up with only what we could carry on us and one favorite toy each. She rushed us onto a plane that safely returned us to our home. I thank the Lord my mom didn’t hesitate to protect us once his violations were exposed.
We lived with my grandfather for a short time until he died. Again, another man vanished from my life. Were there any daddies out there that were good and wouldn’t die?
My second step dad came into the picture several years later. He wasn’t like my first step dad. He treated us well and took care of us . . .
Until one Christmas morning, when he was nowhere to be found. Where was he?
He had checked himself into a hospital, and I never saw him again after that. I can only guess that the responsibility of raising four children that were not his own was too much for him. Is THIS what a daddy was supposed to do? Just leave when things get rough? How would I EVER know what a REAL dad was supposed to be like?
It seemed that it was always Christmas when things fell apart for me . . .
My mom went back to school and became a nurse. She remarried again and has been married to my step dad for over 25 years now. Since that time, God has blessed me with a godly husband who is a loving and caring father to our children and a loving and caring husband to me. I can trust him, and he is faithful. His father was a true testament to me of what a real father should be like. It grieved my heart when he went home to be with my Heavenly Father, but he touched my heart in a special way.
If you’ve had a daddy or a step dad or someone else close to you that has hurt you in painful ways, please tell someone. Don’t hide it away. God never intended for his children to be abused, misused, or humiliated. In my pain, I made some wrong choices that have affected my life. The devil would have liked to destroy me. But I found victory through my living Father who is still doing a great work in me today. Won’t you run into the arms of the best Father of all? His name is Jesus.
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
Day of Salvation - Real Life Stories Books
How do I get saved from the curse of the law? How do I get saved from being forever separated from God? How do I get saved from the Fires of Hell?
- Admit that you have broken God’s Law.
- Ask God to forgive you.
- Confess Jesus as the Son of God.
- Confess that Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
- Confess that Jesus arose from the dead.
Salvation Testimonies
The Bible says:
For salvation that comes from trusting Christ --- which is what we preach --- is already within easy reach of each of us; in fact, it is as near as our own hearts and mouths. For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation. For the Scriptures tell us that no one who believes in Christ will ever be disappointed. Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect; they all have the same Lord who generously gives his riches to all those who ask him for them. Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
What Leaders are sayingabout using Real Life Stories Books
In the year of 2012, God strategically and divinely connected Pure Gospel Ministries with Step by Step Ministries. God ordained a meeting between myself and Jim Barbarossa, better known as The Shofar Man. I thought I was going to this meeting for the sole purpose of purchasing some Tallits, but God the Master planner and strategist had an extraordinary purpose much bigger than either of us knew at the time. Our church was hosting a One New Man conference, and I was led to invite Jim and Carla to attend. They attended the conference, and a divine connection was instantly made between the two ministries.
Jim invited my wife and myself to one of the Unity Gathering meetings that he and Carla were facilitating. During this meeting, we were introduced to a new concept of believers in 5-fold ministries, working together without competition, personal gain, or agendas to evangelize the world. We were introduced to Step by Step Ministries, which was like no other ministry we had ever come in contact with.
I Grew Up in the Carnival Business - Christian Testimonies
Have you ever created memories you wish you could forget? I have. My family was in the carnival business for 17 years. I literally grew up in it. My family traveled all the northern states. I worked seven days a week, 16 hours a day, during the summer months for many of my teenage years. Carnival life is very hard on a family. During the school year, my father would be gone five months out of the year while my mother stayed home with my younger brother and me. There were many challenges with my family relationships. I grew up extremely rebellious and making wrong choices in my life. By age 16, I had become a reckless fool.
One night, my brother and I used our parents’ Mustang car and went drinking and driving with our two friends. I was at the wheel when I took a 90-degree turn on a road while speeding at 90 miles an hour. The car flipped and rolled several times, eventually coming to an eerie stop. One of my friends was pinned under the car and critically injured. I do not recall being thrown out of the car, but I landed about 75 feet away from the accident. I woke up, sitting down, leaning against a fence post. That accident should have killed me, but I walked away from it with very minor scratches. My friend ended up at a hospital fighting for his life. My brother and our other friend survived the crash buckled in the car and were fine. The car was totaled.
The accident did not change me. We, as human beings in our own power, cannot change because it is our inborn nature to do what is evil. Fear gripped my heart at the possibility of having been killed in that accident, but I brushed that thought away. Later, I would understand that if I would have been killed then, I would have gone straight to hell, as God was not part of my life. God, the Father, in His infinite foreknowledge knew that I would come to Him, later on in my life at the age of 19. Although some people’s nature is better or more acceptable than others, we are all sinful in the sight of God and come short of His glory. Our only hope is for Him to redeem us though His plan of salvation for mankind. Christian Testimonies.
During my high school senior year, three female friends relentlessly “hammered away” the gospel of Jesus Christ at me with great love. One night, in the solitude of my bedroom, I was lying down in bed. I was tired and worn out from a guilty conscience of all my wrong doings. I was full of shame, sin, and guilt. I slipped off the bed and got on my knees, knowing I needed Jesus Christ in my life. That night, I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins. What a special favor poured out into my heart! After a prayer of salvation, I felt clean, whole, light, joyful, and full of hope of a future. For 10 years, I lived and breathed the Word of God. I could not get enough of His Word, the Bible. I would read two to three hours a night. My nature had changed to be Christ-like. My old ways became foreign to me, and I no longer desired sin. The Lord started using me to talk to others about Him and confront them of their lifestyles. I was encouraging them to come to Christ and then leading them to Christ for salvation. What an honor!
At age 21, I decided to quit dating. For a year and half, I prayed for my future wife and asked the Lord to guide me in my prayer. During my prayer times, I knew she would be of Hispanic descent. One month before I met my life mate, I felt the Lord telling me that I would meet my future wife shortly, and I did! A month later, I met her, and I knew she was to be my wife. Without a doubt, I knew the Lord had given her to me because she was everything that I had prayed for. My wife and I have been serving Jesus together since we met. Our home is a Christian home. Our children and grandchildren enjoy the blessings of a wholesome, loving family, and Christ continues to be the vibrant center of our lives.
For over 40 years now, I have lived a wonderful life in the Lord. He has been my guiding light at all times without fail. It is wonderful to have the freedom to read the Word, pray, and tell others about the eternal life and peace that Jesus Christ can offer. Through the years, it has been an honor and a privilege to have been part of other people’s conversion as they come to Christ, with the assurance of a more wholesome and abundant life here on earth and an exhilarating eternal life later. What a great fulfilling and satisfying life!
I would like to share with you how to have peace, a peace that surpasses anything you may be experiencing. If your life seems to have no meaning and no purpose, try Jesus. He will meet you where you are. Jesus knows who you are and the things you have done. I was in a place at one time in my life that was no good. I allowed Jesus to come into my life and take away the guilt, the shame, and the sin. These are three things that will wear you out quickly. What I am saying is the truth. This is my personal experience with my friend, Jesus Christ, who has made Himself more real to me than life itself. He has been so good for me, despite of all life’s hardships, mistakes, and problems that come at us as part of life itself. He is waiting for you to turn to Him for help. Like He says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Please turn to Jesus. He will never let you down!
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
I grew up a middle child in a family of six children and attended the same denomination for close to 50 years (church, 1st grade thru high school). My parents took us to church every Sunday. A devotion was read after evening meals. Bedtime prayers were recited. We watched Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. We helped our dad with our 3 acres of garden. My dad built us a nice playground on our property, even a baseball diamond. It was like we lived in a nice bubble in our family. I knew they loved me, but I never really recall having in depth conversations about a relationship with God.
I was very shy. As a kindergartener, I remember being afraid when I first attended school. When I was young, one memory at home I had was playing a pillow game. One would be on the bottom, and the rest sat on top of the person under the pillows. Well, it was fun when you were on the top. But I was on the bottom. I couldn’t move, was very frightened, and nearly suffocated. I remember being able to turn my head, and there was a pocket of air.
As a child I recall being a bully to and being jealous of my younger siblings. One time I kicked my brother so hard I couldn’t walk on that foot for a week. I pulled my sister’s hair. I didn’t play much with any girls in my neighborhood.
As a preteen and teen, I was pretty quiet, but had loud outbursts at other times. I had a disrespectful attitude at times, especially from 4th-6th grade. One time I got in trouble, and the teacher said he was calling my parents. I got scared and waited by the phone around bedtime. When the phone rang, I quickly picked up the phone and hung it up. He did have another avenue to contact my parents.
By 8th grade I broke up with my best friend because I was jealous of her. I was lonely, but in school I separated myself from others. I certainly wanted friends but kept making choices that kept me disconnected from others. In high school I continued to be a loner.
Fear was growing. Often, I would eat my lunch in the girls’ bathroom alone. I was fearful and didn’t talk to teachers either. One girl I liked invited me to her house, but I said no because I didn’t think I felt well (fear). One time I was at my locker and had the upper part open. The girl who had the locker next to me bumped her head on my locker. The next day she moved to another locker. I felt sad and rejected because I believed it was my fault. I lived a religious lifestyle. I continued going to the same denomination, attended or helped with women’s groups at church or school. Around 1992 things changed. The Holy Spirit was drawing me closer to Him through Christian radio, music, and Bible tracts. God also used a wonderful shut-in, Mrs. Hermanek.
One day I was reading a Bible tract. I read the prayer about receiving Jesus as my LORD and Savior. I thought to myself, “I’m already saved, so it won’t hurt to say this prayer.” And another thought was that...yes, I really believe it. I said the prayer, and something changed (me). I repented of my sins (we are all sinners) and believed Jesus is the personal Lover & Savior of my soul.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The world seemed brighter, sharper, the grass was greener. I passed from death to life. Praise the LORD! I was surprised and very interested, not totally understanding what really happened.
The wonderful shut-in I visited commented to my husband that it was nice to see a new Christian whose eyes have been opened. My thoughts were very questioning: I thought I was already a Christian! I had been on the way to hell!? What about my family, all the people in this & other denominations who were taught as I was? I was offended & hurt. However, I’m thankful for all the seeds of God’s Word planted in me over the years & that my parents did the best they knew how.
I am very thankful. When my husband and I married, I always thought I was saved. I realized that he had been saved and I wasn’t! I was deceived. Instead of being offended or judgmental of my life or situations, I repented of my sins and asked God to reveal Truth to me. God started opening my eyes in this new, improved relationship with Him.
Our marriage went through a rough period. We were separated for almost a year. I was trying to control things. I got depressed. Then I finally surrendered my marriage to God. I gave it to Him and He continued to work on me and my attitude. My husband is the spiritual head of the house. I am learning to respect and honor him. By the grace of God, He is healing our marriage with His love.
After my awakening or conversion, I continued to go to the same denomination for another 10 years or so. I never thought I would leave the church I was raised in. I was staying because that was all I knew and was comfortable. I was fearful to step into all God had for me. I never asked God where He wanted me to go to church. Nevertheless, things started to change. I started to raise my hands to praise God...something that “wasn’t done” in that church.
My husband started attending another church from time to time. The Holy Spirit was preparing me for some tough times ahead. I attended with him a few times. I remember thinking...I will never leave the church I was raised in, but if I ever did, this one is OK! A banner in that church said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer”. I liked that. We joined that church and continued to grow and be connected with others. I was water baptized by immersion. We attended a home Bible study.
Then in July 2009 we got the dreaded phone call no parent wants to get. Our son was killed by a drunk/impaired driver at the age of 29. We were crushed. I am so grateful for loving, caring people who showed the love of Jesus during that time. God moved us to that church to get us through a turbulent period. His Word was and is a great comfort to me.
We were led by my husband to join another church. I am learning more about God, prayer, His Word, Holy Spirit, healing, and spiritual warfare in Christian Testimony. I attend women’s Bible classes and am accountable to other mature women.
God has given me victory over fear. I suffered from worry, fretting, fear, anxiety, panic attacks. One day I was fighting an anxiety attack. I was walking up the stairs to get to my Bible. Each step was heavy to take, but I was not giving up. When I got to the top, somehow my Bible was opened to Psalm 34:4, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” Victory in Jesus!
Each day I am realizing more and more that God’s Word is real and can be trusted. Psalm 18:30 says, “As for God, His way is perfect: the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all those that trust in Him.” God is removing the bubble I was in and replacing it with a firm foundation. I have been learning to check Holy Scripture, seek Him, and pray in the Holy Spirit. God wants us to hunger and thirst after righteousness. (Matthew 5:6) I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am praying for unity in the body of Christ. He does NOT separate us by “denomination.”
I am grateful that my conversion happened not because of church affiliation, a religious ritual, philosophy or event scheduled by others. God called me! How He loves me! God says in Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked.” He wants me to have a heart knowledge of Him, not merely intellectual knowledge of Him. I am eternally grateful that I am awake in Christ by His grace.
Contact Name Jim Barbarossa
Contact Mobile Phone 219-762-7589
Website :
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Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Evangelism is the process of campaigning faith in Christianity
Christian testimony is the description of the journey of someone's life that how he converted to Christianity and how Jesus influence his life. Testimony includes the lesson of life that helps a person to believe in God.Christian testimony is the description of the journey of someone's life that how he converted to Christianity and how Jesus influence his life. Testimony includes the lesson of life that helps a person to believe in God.
It may be a miracle that happens in the life of a person and all of his problems are solved. Testimonies are very influential for new believers and non-believers due to the changing of life after believing Jesus. Christian testimony includes the problems in life and their solution after believing and praying to Jesus.
You should tell your testimony by telling the problems you were facing before meeting Jesus. What was that problems and how many time you fail to solve these problems? Then you will tell that how you get closer to Jesus. What is the reason that you decided to consider Jesus for your help? At last, you should share the part of life after meeting Jesus that how Jesus change your life.
You should share that how is your living going now. Evangelism is the process of campaigning faith in Christianity. In evangelism, people share the gospel for preaching the impact of Jesus on life. There are a lot of evangelism strategies that include evangelism by spreading the bibles and gospel by media or road evangelism. If you want to preach Christianity then choose the best evangelism methods.
It may be a miracle that happens in the life of a person and all of his problems are solved. Testimonies are very influential for new believers and non-believers due to the changing of life after believing Jesus. Christian testimony includes the problems in life and their solution after believing and praying to Jesus.
You should tell your testimony by telling the problems you were facing before meeting Jesus. What was that problems and how many time you fail to solve these problems? Then you will tell that how you get closer to Jesus. What is the reason that you decided to consider Jesus for your help? At last, you should share the part of life after meeting Jesus that how Jesus change your life.
You should share that how is your living going now. Evangelism is the process of campaigning faith in Christianity. In evangelism, people share the gospel for preaching the impact of Jesus on life. There are a lot of evangelism strategies that include evangelism by spreading the bibles and gospel by media or road evangelism. If you want to preach Christianity then choose the best evangelism methods.
Monday, 2 August 2021
We are encouraging Christians to help distribute these VERY EFFECTIVE witnessing resources in their communities, as well as the Jesus, Did It! flyers:
This is the Process and Cost of Developing a Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Book When a Church Partners with Step by Step Ministrie...
Real Life Stories Christian Testimonies books opens up an entire new harvest field, even to those individuals that have built up a giant...
Evangelists preach faith by proving different testimonies and gospel to others in Christianity. Evangelism is the process to increase the ...